Steel series apex pro
Steel series apex pro

steel series apex pro

Easy to add, or remove, depending on what you prefer. There's also a wrist rest in the box, which attaches magnetically. And it's not just the frame – the switches are tested for 100,000 keypresses, so you know you won't need to worry about replacing them. The Apex Pro is made from aircraft-grade aluminium, so it doesn't just look good, it's built to last. Want to turn the RGB brightness up? Easy. There's also a metal roller so you can adjust the volume and switch settings on the fly. The screen works with Discord, Spotify and games like CS:GO too, so you can view messages, check your KDA and more. With the Apex Pro you'll see everything on the handy OLED screen.

steel series apex pro

But if you don't want accidental keypresses to be registered, you can adjust the keys to ignore the lightest touches – so you've got less typos.Īdjust settings, change your music, and edit your backlighting. The Apex Pro has unique switches that can be adjusted to suit you – so if your typing is lightning fast, the keyboard can keep up. Take your gaming to the next level with the SteelSeries Apex Pro Mechanical Gaming Keyboard.

steel series apex pro

  • Antivirus software and Internet security.

  • Steel series apex pro